Legal Page
- The opinions expressed on this web site represent the views of its contributors and are not necessarily that of Discovery Owners Association.
- Discovery Owners Association Incorporated assumes no responsibility for the competence, integrity, experience, honesty or character of contributors of information on this website. This includes not only information posted on the website but also anything posted to the E-Group (also referred to as the discoveryownersassociation Yahoo Group), Bulletin Board or said in the chat room(s).
- Discovery Owners Association Incorporated, its officers and its members, takes no responsibility for the recommendations, opinions, advice, corrections, suggestions or any other information, either posted on the website or mentioned on the E-Group, Bulletin Board or chat room. Readers must consider a variety of information sources and consider any possible negative consequences before taking any action. Discovery Owners Association Incorporated, its officers and its members take no responsibility for any actions taken by readers of this information.
- All information submitted to this site becomes the property of Discovery Owners Association Incorporated without restriction. Discovery Owners Association Incorporated reserves the absolute discretionary right to edit all information submitted by any means. Discovery Owners Association Incorporated also reserves the exclusive right to post only the information that it deems accurate and appropriate for its readers.
- Discovery Owners Association Incorporated reserves the right to limit access to its chat room(s), E-Group, Bulletin Board and any other areas of its website.
DOAI does not collect any information from visitors to its website other than HTML cookies that are used for log-in persistence on members-only pages. However, DOAI utilizes services of certain providers (including, but not limited to, the eGroup, Chat Room and Bulletin Board) that have their own privacy policies that may result in policies different than those of DOAI.